New York’s Cannabis Marketplace 

Since the earliest discussions regarding establishment of a medical marijuana program (and its subsequent revisions) through the recent enactment of the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) Brown & Weinraub has represented entities in production, manufacture, technology-enabled tracking, quality standard development, retail and various other aspects of marketplace development. 

We are currently working to keep market players informed as regulations are developed and positioning our clients for success.

Our history in this field includes:

  • Assisted multiple clients in registering to manufacture and dispense medical marijuana under the Compassionate Care Act (2015)

  • Represented clients offering alternative forms of medical marijuana in regulatory process resulting in expansion of products for manufacture and delivery including ointments, patches and chewable tablets (2017)

  • Represented interests of provider organizations during debate over legislative changes enabling nursing homes, hospitals and residencies to register as caregivers and thereby obtain medical marijuana for patients (2017)

  • Assisted CITIVA, a company“founded by medical professionals to standardize and scientifically prove thetherapeutic and clinical effects of cannabinoid medicine”, establish itsheadquarters in New York State (2018)

  • Represented clients to inform regulatory process resulting in Departments of Health and Agriculture andMarkets allowing medical marijuana businesses to provide hemp-derived compounds (2019)

  • Positioned clients with subject matter expertise to serve as resources during drafting and negotiation of legislation (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

Alternative Energy


Diversity and Economic Opportunity

New York's
Cannabis Marketplace

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