We are Brown & Weinraub  - New York's Top Lobbying Firm
Unparalleled Team,
Unlimited Ideas,
Unimpeachable Integrity.
We are a leading edge Government Relations & Strategic Consulting lobbying firm, representing a broad spectrum of business interests established and/or seeking to expand in New York. Our clients range from Fortune 500 to start-up enterprises, from large health care systems to neighborhood clinics, and from industry pillars to disruptors.

Alternative Energy


Diversity and Economic Opportunity

New York's Cannabis Marketplace

Sports and Entertainment

Thanks for great job in moving mountains in record time.

Client guided through regulatory process

I have been working with your firm for many years and we have had several successes. This year we were able to get various agencies and DOB/Governor and many others to agree on language drafted by your firm -- a huge accomplishment for all providers in the behavioral and substance abuse arena.

Executive Director, New York Psychotherapy
and Counseling Center

Executive Director, New York Psychotherapy and
Counseling Center

Client guided through regulatory process

I mean it when I say that you are our strongest team on the field globally - hands down. Looking forward to working with you for years to come.

Senior VP of Government Relations for the global leader in entertainment, sports and fashion.

Upon passage of legislation of importance to a Town, the Supervisor noted: “We really owe a big thanks to our lobbyist for pushing this so hard, which required a lot of running around, changes, and talking to Senate and Assembly leadership.”


Truly appreciate your work on our behalf.
We learn from you every day!!


Weinraub…our operation would have shuttered. I am not exaggerating!  Your professionalism, your insight, your past and present relationships have made the difference in our application requests.

Long Term Care Services Provider

Thank you for your and your team’s relentless effort on this over the past nine months. This is an incredible government relations win that we could not have done without your help.

Director of State Policy for an Electric Vehicle Manufacturer

Representing clients concerning legislative, regulatory and admin matters before the state legislature, executive branch including the office of the state attorney general and state comptroller.

Delivering a comprehensive business development solution for your firm from aligning your strategic objectives with the State to tactical decisions to penetrate the State market.

We help clients connect with individuals, organizations and entities with shared interests, creating a groundswell of support or opposition to influence public policy. Strategic alliances that amplify messages can make the difference in achieving desired outcomes.

Our knowledge of the needs of our clients helps us make value added introductions resulting in mutually beneficial business relationships. B2B activities complement B2G strategies helping achieve results for all clients involved and improving government functions.

Client Focus

Our client Tableau routinely holds special events to help government users of its software maximize the benefits for the state and New Yorkers.

Client List

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